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The future is here? – 2018

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Modular atelier has become a commonly spoken term in the world’s globalized cities referring to the specs of the aesthetics of a module, in the 21st century.

The more we move into the future, the better we become at managing our day to day activities, moving towards an optimal lifestyle which is conscious of our needs and wants. It has now become a common creative practice to invest in oneself, or someone else, to promote the adoption of modular strategies which in turn increases efficiency and is expected to minimise time of stress of confusion.

As a simple demonstrative example, adopting a modular T-shirt which is plain in colour with up to say a trivial logo, facilitates the use of the T-shirt on a broad range of activities, when compared to adopting a T-shirt with a Superman logo, which will decrease the general suitability of the T-shirt for use with certain activities; generic is broader in every aspect. Certainly, with this example of a T-shirt, it is arguable that modularity may not be the most contemporary for use in every design aspect when demonstrated within clothing and textiles, it does sound true. Textiles are flexible materials by nature and therefore they are bound to be flexibly arranged to produce textile objects, and therefore we could argue that modularity may not be the most desired in every design industry, however it must exist at some scale in every design industry and many would agree that modularity is the right and the conscious way when working with productions of solid materials such as wood and steel as it is more efficient when we adopt a modular approach with solids, from every aspect,. Obviously, the advantages embedded within such a shift would include, but are not limited to, the extension of the lifetime of the production, improving the resilience of the production, reducing the time to maintain the production, and reducing the amount of energy required to produce the production, to name but a few.

The future lies in a green world, a man-made world integrated consciously and in harmony with nature and the environment. A new emerging generation of young entrepreneurs are coming up with different creative techniques which promote for modularity, for example, the invention of the spinner toy was a giant wave that introduced a new genre of products which are meant to keep creative practitioners stimulated.

Students from Leeds University in the UK are fascinated by concepts of the modular atelier and created a creative booth for their desk tools, they claim to use these tools to increase the efficiency of their minds whilst performing hectic desk work for long hours. An all-known example of such a tool is the spinner toy which came to rise in amidst the past year.

A charitable organisation named Atelier Modular played a role, in March 2017, bringing the spinner toy to all 7 continents of the world, however people are only attained to the spinner toy, unaware of its’ concept which underlines a new generation of products which we may consume finitely in fact, this type of products have only come to rise in recent years, and are meant to be an eccentric material which promotes for creativity, you may well find an awe-inspiration from every product built on the modular atelier approach.

The future is already here, it is only not everywhere yet and it holds existing and coming technological revolutions limited only by our imagination, which will ultimately transform our lifestyles. It is well absorbed that the future only lies in our commitment to change - The internet is here and it’s all on the internet.

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