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VirTis Freeze Dryers - Which Model Should You Buy?

The process of freeze drying is otherwise called lyophilization, cryodesiccation or lyophilisation. It is a process of dehydration that is usually utilized in the preservation of products which are perishable, because it makes it far more transportable. How it works is through the freezing of the merchandise, and then there's a reduction of the pressure that surrounds it. What this does would be to cause the water that has become frozen to maneuver from its solid state to the stage where it becomes gas. What it's in essence is the removing of the water that's found in food such that it could be eaten and/or transported in its frozen, dry state.

This freeze-dried process was commercially developed at some point in World War II. It was utilized as a preservation of penicillin in addition to blood plasma ผลไม้ฟรีซดราย. A machine known as a freeze-dryer is found in the process. There is a big cavity where in fact the freezing of the merchandise is performed, along with a machine pump that is used to remove the water/moisture form the product. Next is completed, then there's the applying of heat that serves to increase the sublimation process. There is then condensation, wherein the vaporized solvent is taken from the chamber of the vacuum with the conversion of the solvent to a good state. When this is done, the separation of the water/moisture from the item has been completed.

Since the 1960s there has been more than four hundred finds of freeze-dried foods that have produced on a professional level. Some products; such as coffee are extremely suitable for this process, but other products such as for example water melons and lettuce due to their high water content are not very good items for the freeze-drying process.

Mountain House is a producer of a number of freeze-dried products. They have been around in operation for a lot more than fourth years. They've products such as for instance eggs, beef stew, and rice pilaf. They specialize in fresh products, and as such, their supply is restocked in under 4 months each time.

Mountain House 10 cans are airtight cans that have contain freeze-dried foods that can stay the longest on the shelf. They coat both the inside as well as the exterior of these cans with protective enamel that gives it doubly the protection it needs. Their canning process utilizes both nitrogen flushing and vacuum oxygen; comparable to the standards that is emerge the army.

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